Helping Clients Find Solutions to Even the Most Difficult Problems


Notes from the Desk

Let's Get Real About the New Year

2020 threw us all for a loop. No one could have dreamed that COVID-19 was coming, much less understood the impact it would have. As we transition into 2021, let’s pause and do a little reality check before diving into those new resolutions.

First, think back to last year’s resolutions. Were you able to keep them, to meet all of your goals? Honestly, most of us did not. So before moving forward, take a moment to look back and do some reflecting. No need to beat yourself up if goals weren’t me. Also, no need to cross them off as failures. Most likely, some of last year’s goals are still relevant while others are not. Decide what to eliminate and what to keep. Next, look at the goals you are keeping. Do they need adjusting or revising? If so, take the time to do it.

The next step is to take those general goals and turn them into SMART goals. Many organizations utilize this method of goal setting as a way to increase the likelihood of success. So, just what is a SMART goal?

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Timely

By creating a SMART goal, you might not say “I want to be more organized.” Instead, you might say, “I am going to create a new filing system for my office by March 1, 2021.” The new goal specifies a task, making it measurable. The task is limited, making it attainable and realistic. Finally, the date provides a time frame for achieving the goal. If you want to learn more about SMART goals, you can read more here:

Perhaps resolving conflict, finalizing a divorce, or restoring a relationship is on your resolution list for this year. If so, Barahona Consulting & Mediation can help guide you through the process. Schedule a free consultation online at or by calling 832-439-3581.

Only when you are realistic about where you are and where you want to be can you make the progress you desire. Be SMART this year as you work to turn your goals into reality.

Kimberly Barahona